전자저널의 알파벳순 리스트

Journal Name ISSN Coverage URL Note Provider
Organisational Project Management 2203-6156 2015~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Organised Sound 1469-8153 1996~ URL Cambridge University Press
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 1618-1077 2010~2014 URL Springer
Organists' Review 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Organizacijø Vadyba: Sisteminiai Tyrimai 2335-8750 2003~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Development Journal 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Development Review 2640-0669 2019~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Organization Development Review 2009~2018 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Organization Development Review 2640-0669 2019~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Development Review 2009~2018 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Management Journal 1541-6518 2004~2010 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Science 1526-5455 1990~Present URL

5 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organization Science 1526-5455 1990~Present URL

5 years

EBSCOhost Education Source
Organization, Technology & Management in Construction 1847-6228 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Organizational Analysis 1559-5463 2004~2005 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 0749-5978 1985~1994 URL Academic Press
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 0030-5073 1966~1984 URL Academic Press
Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616 1972~1993 URL Pergamon
Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616 1994~1994 URL Pergamon
Organizational Dynamics 1873-3530 1972~2001 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organizations & Markets in Emerging Economies 2345-0037 2010~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Organoids 2674-1172 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Organometallics 0276-7333 1982~ URL ACS Publications
Organon 2238-8915 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oriens 1877-8372 2001~ URL Brill Journal Collection
Orientaliska Studier 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 2196-6877 1995~ URL De Gruyter
Oriente Moderno 2213-8617 2000~ URL Brill Journal Collection
Oriente Moderno 2213-8617 2013~Present URL

3 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Origin Research Journal 2799-5550 2021~2022 URL 한국창조과학회
Original Internist 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Origini 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 1573-0875 1968~2014 URL Springer
ORiON 2224-0004 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
ORiON 2224-0004 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
ORL.ro 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornament 1999~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornis Fennica 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornis Hungarica 2061-9588 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornis Scandinavica (Scandinavian Journal of Ornithology) 1919~1990 URL JSTOR
Ornis Svecica 2003-2633 2019~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornithological Applications (Previously, The Condor: Ornithological Applications) 1938-5129 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Ornithological Monographs 1941-2282 1991~1991 URL JSTOR
Ornithologische Beobachter 2020~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ornithology (Previously, The Auk: Ornithological Advances) 1938-4254 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Orphanet journal of rare diseases 1750-1172 2006~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
ORSA Journal on Computing 2326-3245 1989~1995 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
ORSA Journal on Computing 2326-3245 1989~1995 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Ortadogu Medical Journal / Ortadogu Tip Dergisi 2548-0251 2011~2020 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research 1601-6343 2002~ URL wiley
Orthodox Legacy 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopaedic Surgery 1757-7861 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopaedics Today Europe 2008~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopaedics, Traumatology & Prosthetics / Ortopediia, Traumatologiia i Protezirovaniie 2518-1882 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopedic Research and Reviews 1179-1462 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopedic Reviews 2035-8164 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Orthopedics and Traumatology 1617-3838 1992~1995 URL Springer
Oryx 1365-3008 2002~ URL Cambridge University Press
Oryx 1365-3008 1997~2001 URL wiley
Osiris 1933-8287 1936~2017 URL JSTOR
Osječki matematički list 1848-946X 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları = Studies in Ottoman Science 2458-7982 2022~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Osobliva Ditina: Navcanna i Vihovanna 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Osteoporosis International 1433-2965 1990~2014 URL Springer
Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 2199-6881 2011~2020 URL JSTOR
Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 2307-2970 2009~2014 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 1613-7566 2005~2014 URL Springer
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften=Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies: ASEAS 1999-253X 2011~2022 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Otago law review 2324-4119 2004~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Otorynolaryngologia 2083-3326 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oud Holland - Quarterly for Dutch Art History 1875-0176 2000~ URL Brill Journal Collection
OUGHTOPIA 2005~2022 URL 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원
OUP: Orthopadische und Unfallchirurgische Praxis 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Our Dermatology Online 2081-9390 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Our Schools, Our Selves 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Outdoor Life 2162-7231 2001~2020 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Outlier 2007~2010 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Outlook 1990~2000 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Outlook 1990~2000 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Outlook on Science Policy 1471-5473 2003~2006 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Outsourced Logistics 2008~2009 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Overdrive 1993~2020 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 1468-0084 1973~ URL wiley
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics 1468-0084 1973~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Oxford development studies 1469-9966 1996~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Oxford development studies 1469-9966 1996~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxford Economic Papers 1464-3812 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Oxford Economic Papers 1464-3812 1938~2017 URL JSTOR
Oxford Journal 2007~2010 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Oxford journal of archaeology 1468-0092 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxford Journal of Archaeology 1468-0092 1982~ URL wiley
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1464-3820 1996~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1464-3820 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Oxford Medical Case Reports 2053-8855 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 1460-2121 1996~ URL Oxford University Press
Oxford Review of Education 1465-3915 1990~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxford Review of Education 1465-3915 1990~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Education Source
Oxford Today 2006~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxford University commonwealth law journal 1757-8469 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxidation Communications 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Oxidation of Metals 1573-4889 1969~2014 URL Springer
OYLA Youth Science 2537-8341 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Ozone: Science & Engineering 1547-6545 2002~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Ozone: Science & Engineering 1547-6545 2002~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 2070-0474 2009~2014 URL Springer
P. O. B. Point of Beginning 2328-997X 1995~2021 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
P.I. Process Instrumentation 2021~Present URL

3 months

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
P.I. Process Instrumentation 2021~Present URL

3 months

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
PA times / American Society for Public Administration 1997~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Pace International Law Review 2331-3536 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pace International Law Review Online Companion 2009~2013 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pace Law Review 2331-3528 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Accounting Review 2041-5494 2004~2006 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Pacific Accounting Review 2041-5494 2004~ URL Emerald Publishing
Pacific Affairs 1715-3379 1928~2018 URL JSTOR
Pacific affairs 1715-3379 2002~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Asia Inquiry 2377-0929 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Economic Review 1468-0106 1996~ URL wiley
Pacific economic review 1468-0106 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Pacific Focus 1976-5118 1986~ URL wiley
Pacific Islands Brief 2014~2014 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Islands Policy 1933-172X 2008~2010 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Journal of Theological Research 2021~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal 2010~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 1468-0114 1980~ URL wiley
Pacific philosophical quarterly 1468-0114 1997~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 2377-9802 2008~2014 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Science 1534-6188 2004~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacific Viewpoint 2638-4825 1960~1995 URL wiley
Pacific-Asian Education Journal 2001~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies 1839-2598 2008~2012 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology 1540-8159 1978~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology 1540-8159 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 1540-8159 1978~ URL wiley
Packaging (Australia) 2008~2009 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Packaging Magazine 2002~2006 URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Packaging Magazine 2002~2006 URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Packaging News 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Packaging News 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Packaging Technology and Science 1099-1522 1988~ URL wiley
Packaging Technology and Science 1099-1522 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Pädagogik 2017~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Paddy and Water Environment 1611-2504 2003~2014 URL Springer
Pädiatrie & Pädologie 1613-7558 2007~2014 URL Springer
Padua 2235-218X 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paedagogica Historica 1477-674X 2003~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Education Source
Paedagogica Historica 1477-674X 2003~Present URL

15 months

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paediatria Croatica 1846-405X 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paediatria Croatica, Supplement 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology 1365-3016 1998~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1365-3016 1987~ URL wiley
Paediatrics & Child Health 1918-1485 2011~2016 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paediatrics and International Child Health 2046-9055 2012~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Páginas A & B 2183-6671 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Páginas de Educación 1688-7468 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Páginas. Revista de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación 2008~2008 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
PAILAL ( Professionals Against Improperly Labeling Active Learners) Newsletter 2009~2011 URL EBSCOhost Education Source
Pain and Therapy 2193-651X 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pain Medicine 1526-4637 2000~2015 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pain Medicine 1526-4637 2000~2015 URL wiley
Pain Practice 1533-2500 2003~Present URL

1 years

EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pain Practice 1533-2500 2001~ URL wiley
Pain Research and Treatment 2090-1550 2010~2019 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pain Reviews 1477-0318 1998~2002 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Paint & Coatings Industry 2328-8329 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Paint & Coatings Industry 2328-8329 1994~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
Paintindia 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Paintindia 1995~Present URL EBSCOhost Engineering Source
PAIN® 0304-3959 1975~1994 URL No longer published by Elsevier
Pakistan Forum 1970~1973 URL JSTOR
Pakistan Heart Journal 2227-9199 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of American Studies 2008~2008 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences 2309-8619 2009~Present URL EBSCOhost Business Source Complete
Pakistan Journal of History & Culture 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2305-1620 2013~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology 2789-4347 2019~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology 2014~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research (Islamabad, Pakistan) 2663-208X 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Public Health 2012~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Radiology 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences 2223-2559 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences 2223-2567 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Statistics 2310-3515 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 2220-5810 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Journal of Surgery 2016~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2074-7764 2008~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies 1946-5343 2012~2020 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
PaLA Bulletin 2007~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Palabra Clave 2027-534X 2004~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Palabra Clave 1853-9912 2015~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 1867-1608 1997~2014 URL Springer
Palaeontologia Polonica 2011~Present URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Palaeontology 1475-4983 1999~ URL wiley
PALAIOS 1938-5323 2007~2021 URL JSTOR
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 1867-6812 1913~2014 URL Springer
PalArch Foundation's Newsletter 1872-4582 2008~2008 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology (PJAEE) 1567-214X 2008~2019 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 1567-2158 2008~2016 URL EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
