
Library off-campus access is not available temporarily

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Library off-campus access is not available temporarily


Please understand that the service related to off-campus access will be temporarily suspended as follows due to maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


1. Service suspension period: December 22, 2021 (Wed) 10:00 to 12:00
* (However, it may take one more day to access off-campus.)

2. Reason: Server transfer and IP change.

3. Inquiries: (054-279-2548)


2021-2학기 기말고사 기간 열람실 운영 시간 연장 안내

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2021-2학기 기말고사 기간 중 열람실 운영 시간 연장 안내


2021-2학기 기말고사 기간 중 박태준학술정보관 열람실을 다음과 같이 연장 운영하오니, 이용에 참고하시기 바랍니다.


   1. 시험 기간 : 2021.12.20(월) ~ 12.24(금)

   2. 연장 운영 기간 : 2021. 12.6(월) ~ 12.24(금)

   3. 층별 운영 시간

Notice on suspension of research information management system (RIMS)

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Notice on suspension of research information management system (RIMS)

Please understand that the service related to research achievements will be temporarily suspended as follows regarding the establishment of the next-generation server infrastructure in the campus.


1. Services to be suspended.
   - POVIS > HR/Administration > Performance management
   - Research information management system (RIMS)
   - Research information portal (RIMS Discovery)
   - OASIS Repository

POSTECH Reader’s Club 8기(2021-2학기) 회원 추가 모집

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POSTECH Reader’s Club 8기(2021-2학기) 회원 추가 모집



2021학년도 2학기에 운영되는 POSTECH Reader’s Club 8기 회원(멘토, 멘티)을 추가 모집합니다.

사전 구성된 팀(멘토+멘티) 단위로 신청이 어려운 분들을 위해 멘토와 멘티 개인별로 모집하고


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Please acknowledge that POSTECH Library will be open for POSTECH users only after the announcement of ‘guideline for phased recovery of daily life’.


○ For loanable Card holders, Contact for loan.



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