The POSTECH Library was inaugurated on December 3, 1986. From 1994 Hogil Kim Memorial Library was named in honor of the first president Hogil Kim. The Library supported research and education until 2003. The new Library opened on April 24, 2003. Tae-Joon Park Digital Library was named in honor of Tae-Joon Park, the founder of POSTECH. This Library is a state-of-the-art library that collects and organizes data and information resources for our students and faculty. The Library has a gross floor space of 24,420 square meters and five fully equipped floors. The Library provides traditional functions that collect paper materials and multifaceted functions that prepare ever changing digital world i.e. IT, computer, edcation development, and special research information center.
The mission of the Library is as follows
- support research, curriculum needs of student, faculty and staff through providing materials in and out of POSTECH.
- develop, organize, and preserve our collection.
- develop, provide information service to help enhance information literacy and meet the changing needs of users.
- maintain equipment, collection, and learning environment.
The Library supports the scientific research, technical development, learning and recreational activities of the university with rapid provision of information about domestic and overseas scientific and technical books, journals, magazines, CD-ROMs, microform, and so on.
To support POSTECH as a research-oriented university, the Library concentrates on expanding its collection. Currently in 2005, the library collection consists of approximately 320,000 books, 3,500 journals, 7,000 e-journals 25 databases, and 4,400 multimedia materials. The Library shares materials with industrial-educational-research cooperations and is part of an intercollegiate data exchange program with approximately 150 other research and educational institutions throughout the nation.
In order to prepare for ever changing technological world, the Library offers anytime and anywhere access, globalization, one-stop research service, personalization and standardization. Started from PLASMA, LINNET system that developed locally, the Library provides Millennium system for integrated library management.