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국내 학술논문 포탈인 DBpia에서 지난 7월 가장 많이 다운로드된 베스트 아티클을 살펴보겠습니다. 크게 11개의 주제분야로 나누어져 있습니다. 그중에서 공학과 자연과학 TOP10 리스트를 알아보죠. 공학분야 TOP10 아티클 1. 도시 경관을 고려한 주거지역 정비 방안 이승우 저한국건설산업연구원, 한국건설산업연구원 연구보고서 2006-10 2006. 10 pp. 1~89 (89pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-r8970854967.v261n0p1a769476 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 2. 무선랜을 위한 효율적인 침입탐지시스템 설계 우성희(Sung-Hee Woo) 저한국컴퓨터정보학회, 한국컴퓨터정보학회 논문지韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 第13卷 第2號 2008. 3 pp. 185~191 (7pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-jX987433.v13n2p185 원문보기  Image PDF   l    원문저장  Image PDF 3. RFID를 이용한 작업관리 시스템 박인정(In Jung Park) · 현택영(Taek Young Hyun) 저대한전자공학회, 전자공학회논문지-CI電子工學會論文誌 第44卷 CI編 第2號 2007. 3 pp. 31~36 (6pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-j12296376.v44n2p31 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 4. 기구 시스템의 신뢰성을 고려한 공차최적설계 ( Reliability-Based Tolerance Optimization of Mechanisms ) 최진호 · 이세정 · 최동훈 저대한기계학회, 대한기계학회 논문집 A권대한기계학회논문집 A권 제23권 제5호 1999. 5 pp. 751~762 (12pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-j12264873.v23n05p751 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 5. IPTV 원리와 서비스 구조 김영민 저한국정보과학회, 정보과학회지 제26권 제5호 2008. 5 pp. 33~47 (15pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-jX992676.v26n5p33 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 6. 디지털 콘텐츠 표준으로써 SCORM 및 Common Cartridge에 대한 비교 분석 및 발전방안에 대한 고찰 조용상 · 황대준 · 고범석 · 최성기 · 배우인 저한국정보과학회, 정보과학회지 제26권 제6호 2008. 6 pp. 62~69 (8pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-jX1004589.v26n6p62 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 7. 용적률 및 개발용도 규제의 변화가 주택가격과 지가에 미치는 영향에 관한 이론적 분석 최막중(Choi Mack-Joong) 저대한국토·도시계획학회, 국토계획國土計劃 第36卷 第3號 2001. 6 pp. 87~99 (13pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-j12267147.v36n3p87 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 8. “디지털 콘텐츠 표준화” 특집을 내면서 이명원 저한국정보과학회, 정보과학회지 제26권 제6호 2008. 6 pp. 4~4 (1pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-jX1004581.v26n6p4 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 9. 특집 - 일본의 건축 : 요코하마 자치체의 도시전략적 도시디자인 ( Urban Design as City Strategy of Yokohama Local Government Body ) 타케루 키타자와 저대한건축학회, 건축 제40권 제8호 1996. 9 pp. 51~61 (12pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-j12251666.v40n8p51 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 10. ODF와 OOXML을 중심으로 한 사무용 전자문서 국제표준화 동향 정제호 · 손원성 · 임순범 저한국정보과학회, 정보과학회지 제26권 제6호 2008. 6 pp. 20~28 (9pages)공학 UCI CODE : G300-jX1004584.v26n6p20 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 자연과학분야 TOP10 아티클 1. 농촌지역 다문화가정아동들의 언어특성관련 상관 연구 황상심(Sang-Shim Hwang) · 정옥란(Ok-Ran Jeong) 저한국언어치료학회, 언어치료연구 제17권 제1호 2008. 3 pp. 81~102 (22pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-jX995998.v17n1p81 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 2. Repeated-Dose Toxicity of Misaengtang in Rats Jae Myun Ryu · Yong Hoon Chang · Tae Hee Lee · Im Kwon Seo · Seung Ho Lee · Youn-Bae Kim · Seock-Yeon Hwang 저한국실험동물학회, Laboratory Animal Research Vol.22 No.3 2006. 9 pp. 295~303 (9pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-jX952830.v22n3p295 원문보기  Image PDF   l    원문저장  Image PDF 3. 양자전기역학, 요동하는 진공 신상진 저동아사이언스, 과학동아 1998년 12월호(통권 제156호) 1998. 12 pp. 92~99 (8pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-b12283401.v13n12p92 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 4. 광우병 그 정체를 밝힌다 - 두 얼굴의 단백질 프리온 임소형 저동아사이언스, 과학동아 2004년 2월호(통권 제218호) 2004. 2 pp. 92~98 (7pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-b12283401.v19n2p92 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 5. 통합예술치료 프로그램이 발달장애아동의 감정표현에 미치는 효과 정정순(Jung-Sun Chung) 저한국언어치료학회, 언어치료연구 제13권 제3호 2004. 9 pp. 53~74 (22pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-j1226587X.v13n3p53 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 6. 최근 아파트 공동시설 계획의 특성 최두호 저한국주거학회, 한국주거학회 학술발표대회한국주거학회 2002년도 춘계학술발표대회 2002. 5 pp. 69~90 (22pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-cX466530.v0n0p69 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 7. 농촌지역 국제결혼 가정 아동의 언어 발달과 언어 환경 정은희(Eun-Hee Jeong) 저한국언어치료학회, 언어치료연구 제13권 제3호 2004. 9 pp. 33~52 (20pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-j1226587X.v13n3p33 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 8. 초ㆍ중ㆍ고등학교 국어교과서에 나타난 장애관련 내용분석 국미경(Mi-Kyong Kuk) · 황순옥(Soon-Ok Hwang) 저한국언어치료학회, 언어치료연구言語治療硏究 第15卷 第2號 2006. 6 pp. 147~166 (20pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-j1226587X.v15n2p147 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 9. [PART 2] 미지의질병, 광우병파헤치기 - 특정위험물질에서 인간광우병 치료법까지 이충환 저동아사이언스, 과학동아 2008년 6월호(통권 제270호) 2008. 6 pp. 82~89 (8pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-bX1004016.v23n6p82 원문보기  Text PDF   l    원문저장  Text PDF 10. 언어적 단위를 이용한 프로그램이 구개파열자의 조음 및 음성에 미치는 변화 분석 김시영 · 이규식 저한국언어치료학회, 언어치료연구 제9권 제2호 2000. 12 pp. 55~74 (20pages)자연과학 UCI CODE : G300-j1226587X.v9n2p55 원문보기  PDF   l    원문저장  PDF 다른 분야 TOP10 경제·경영공학교육사회신학어문의학자연과학인문법학·행정예·체능
2008-08-01 14:45
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휴가때 가족들과 월포 해수욕장을 갔다왔습니다. 그림같은 풍경은 기대하기 어려웠지만 잔잔한 출렁거림속에서 여름 한때를 즐기고 돌아왔습니다. 아내의 팔은 작렬하는 태양빛에 아직도 빨갛게 익어있네요. 저는 장난삼아 이렇게 말하죠. 이젠 고무장갑 좀 벗어~ ㅎㅎ이번 8월 사진은 Flickr Michael Dawes님의 사진을 가지고 만들었습니다. 시원한 서핑을 즐기는 파도속의 한남자가 부럽습니다. 파도 대신 인터넷을 서핑하는 블로거 벗님네들!! 한여름 블로그는 잠깐 꺼두세요. ㅎㅎ Discover The Beach Boys!Lyrics | Surfin' U.S.A lyrics
2008-08-01 09:43
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이번주는 무척이나 덥네요. 몇일 휴가를 가고보니 도서관만큼이나 피서하기 좋은 곳이 없다는 생각이 절로 듭니다.  휴가철이다 보니 여행도 많이 가고 사진도 많이 찍게되죠. 디카를 가지고 최고의 사진을 만드는 비법을 담고있는 책이 있네요. DDQ(Digital Darkroom Questions)라는 이메일 뉴스레터를 6년간 운영하면서 터득한 노하우를 담고 있는 책입니다. 저자의 첫번째 작품이라고 합니다. 여러분도 이번 여름 이책을 통해 최고의 작품을 만들어보시기 바랍니다. (바로가기)7월에 추가된 사파리 전자책은 250여권 정도되네요. 오늘까지 구독가능한 전자책이 총 1997권입니다. 이중에서 최근 등록된 50권만 추려 소개합니다.   [#M_## 7월 신간 50권 보기(클릭)|less..| 1. Intel Threading Building Blocks By: James Reinders Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2007/07/12 Insert Date: 2008/07/30 Table of Contents Overview Multi-core chips from Intel and AMD offer a dramatic boost in speed and responsiveness, and plenty of opportunities for multiprocessing on ordinary desktop computers. But they also present a challenge: More than ever, multithreading is a requirement for good performance. This guide explains how to maximize the benefits of these processors through a portable C++ library that works on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Unix systems. With it, you'll learn how to use Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) effectively for parallel programming -- without having to be a threading expert. Written by... 2. The Ultimate HTML Reference By: Ian Lloyd Publisher: Sitepoint Pub. Date: 2008/05/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/30 Table of Contents Overview Sitting at the foundation of every site is HTML. It's the only language that's essential to a web site's very existence. On the surface HTML may seem simple but there's much more to it that meets the eye. With different versions, many infrequently used elements and attributes, and varying ways that browsers interpret the language, only a comprehensive and up-to-date reference, like this book, has it completely covered. The Ultimate HTML Reference is your definitive resource for mastering HTML. The entire language is clearly and concisely covered, along with browser compatibility details,... 3. ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action: Building Dynamic Web Portals By: Darren Neimke Publisher: Manning Publications Pub. Date: 2006/10/27 Insert Date: 2008/07/30 Table of Contents Overview "A must-buy for every ASP.NET developer using Web Parts." Scott Guthrie General Manager Microsoft Developer Division "Squeezes the full potential out of ASP.NET Web Parts." Andres Sanabria Lead Program Manager ASP.NET and Server Application FrameworksUsing Web Parts, ASP.NET developers can create portals with the same advanced features found in sites such as Live.com and Google ig.ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action demystifies portal design, development, maintenance, and deployment. In over 400 code-packed pages, ASP.NET expert Darren Neimke shares his deep understanding of the controls... 4. SOA Security By: Ramarao Kanneganti; Prasad Chodavarapu Publisher: Manning Publications Pub. Date: 2008/01/11 Insert Date: 2008/07/30 Table of Contents Overview SOA is one of the latest technologies enterprises are using to tame their software costs - in development, deployment, and management. SOA makes integration easy, helping enterprises not only better utilize their existing investments in applications and infrastructure, but also open up new business opportunities. However, one of the big stumbling blocks in executing SOA is security. This book addresses Security in SOA with detailed examples illustrating the theory, industry standards and best practices. It is true that security is important in any system. SOA brings in additional security... 5. Conversational Capital: How to Create Stuff People Love to Talk About By: Bertrand Cesvet; Tony Babinski; Eric Alper; Sid Lee Publisher: FT Press Pub. Date: 2008/08/05 Insert Date: 2008/07/27 Table of Contents Overview "In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell presents an important idea without any 'how to.' Now Bertrand Cesvet provides the 'how to' you need to create 'Tipping Points' for your business and success. This book is a compelling presentation of a powerful idea. This is how the new world will do business. Highly recommended if you care about your future."Stewart Emery, coauthor of international best-seller Success Built to Last"Ultimately, magic is unexplainable. Still, Conversational Capital provides the most insightful analysis of what makes our shows ring in the heart of fans."Guy Laliberte,... 6. Apple Training Series Mac OS X Deployment v10.5 By: Kevin M. White Publisher: Peachpit Press Pub. Date: 2008/06/27 Insert Date: 2008/07/27 Table of Contents Overview Apple Training Series: Mac OS X v10.5 Deployment v10.5 uses a combination of task-based instruction and strong visuals to teach intermediate and advanced users how to deploy a wide range of files and systems to multiple users in a large organization. Author Kevin White takes readers through the deployment of software, ranging from individual files, to complete systems, to multiple users, discussing the range of methodologies used. Intermediate users will learn how to use Apple deployment tools, including Disk Utility, PackageMaker, Apple Software Restore, and NetBoot. Advanced users will... 7. Africa Rising: How 900 Million African Consumers Offer More Than You Think By: Vijay Mahajan; Robert E. Gunther Publisher: Wharton School Publishing Pub. Date: 2008/08/25 Insert Date: 2008/07/26 Table of Contents Overview Profit from the World's Largest Untapped Market: Africa's MORE THAN 900 MILLION Consumers!"This book lays out a powerful portrait of the growing opportunities in Africa. It is clear to us that any global firm interested in growth must see Africa as an essential part of its portfolio."--E. Neville Isdell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Coca-Cola Company, USA"While we consider Africa one of our most important markets, we are very aware that it is often overlooked as a place to conduct sustainable business. This book shows that Africa offers opportunities equal to other... 8. CCVP CIPT1 Quick Reference By: Anthony Sequeira Publisher: Cisco Press Pub. Date: 2008/07/23 Insert Date: 2008/07/26 Table of Contents Overview As a final exam preparation tool, the CCVP CIPT1 Quick Reference provides a concise review of all objectives on the CIPT1 exam (642-446). This digital Short Cut provides you with detailed, graphical-based information, highlighting only the key topics in cram-style format. With this document as your guide, you will review topics on deploying a Cisco Unified Communications Manager to support single site and centralized call processing models. This fact-filled Quick Reference allows you to get all-important information at a glance, helping you focus your study on areas of weakness and to... 9. Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program, Second Edition By: Tavmjong Bah Publisher: Prentice Hall Pub. Date: 2008/07/16 Insert Date: 2008/07/26 Table of Contents Overview     Inkscape, An Open-Source Vector Drawing Program is THE GUIDE to the Inkscape program. The shorter, web-based, version is linked to directly under the program's Help menu. With Inkscape one can produce a wide variety of art, from photo-realistic drawings to organizational charts. Inkscape uses SVG, a powerful vector based drawing language and W3C web standard, as its native format. SVG drawings can be directly viewed by web browsers such as Firefox and Opera. A subset of SVG has been adopted by the mobile phone market. Inkscape is available free for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris... 10. Islam: The Religion and the People By: Bernard Lewis; Buntzie Ellis Churchill Publisher: Wharton School Publishing Pub. Date: 2008/08/15 Insert Date: 2008/07/25 Table of Contents Overview Praise for Bernard Lewis"For newcomers to the subject[el]Bernard Lewis is the man."TIME Magazine"The doyen of Middle Eastern studies."The New York Times"No one writes about Muslim history with greater authority, or intelligence, or literary charm."British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper"Bernard Lewis has no living rival in his field."Al Ahram, Cairo (the most influential Arab world newspaper)"When it comes to Islamic studies, Bernard Lewis is the father of us all. With brilliance, integrity, and extraordinary mastery of languages and sources, he has led the way for[el]investigators seeking to... 11. Learning ASP.NET 3.5, 2nd Edition By: Jesse Liberty; Dan Hurwitz; Brian MacDonald Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2008/07/29 Insert Date: 2008/07/24 Table of Contents Overview With this book, you will learn how to create engaging and interactive web applications using the latest version of the world's most popular web development platform: ASP.NET with AJAX, built on the productivity-enhancing features of Visual Studio 2008. All you need to get started is a basic knowledge of HTML and a desire to produce professional quality websites. Learning ASP.NET 3.5 introduces new skills in each new chapter and offers fully annotated and fully functional examples that you can put to work immediately. Each chapter adds detailed summaries, practice questions to ensure... 12. Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets By: Publisher: Wiley Pub. Date: 2007/08/31 Insert Date: 2008/07/22 Table of Contents Overview Why Going Against the Grain Pays.Bestselling author Bill Bonner has long been a maverick observer of the financial and political world, sharpening his sardonic wit, in particular, on the vagaries of the investing public. Market booms and busts, tulip manias and dotcom bubbles, venture capitalists and vulture funds, he lets you know, are best explained not by dry statistics and obscure theories but by the metaphors and analogies of literature.Now, in Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets, Bonner and freelance journalist Lila Rajiva use literary economics to offer broader insights into mass behavior and... 13. Understanding IPv6, Second Edition By: Joseph Davies Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/01/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/22 Table of Contents Overview Now updated for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, this guide delivers in-depth technical information on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). IPv6 greatly improves on IPv4, the current protocol, by vastly increasing the number of available addresses and by adding enhancements for security, multimedia traffic management, routing, and network configuration. Written by a popular author and networking expert, this reference details the protocol, from its features and benefits to its packet structure and protocol processes. It also describes how to migrate to IPv6-based internetworking, with... 14. Windows® Administration Resource Kit: Productivity Solutions for IT Professionals By: Dan Holme Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/22 Table of Contents Overview Get the comprehensive, essential resource for improving Windows administrator productivity. This book delivers solutions to the common issues Windows administrators face every day. Unlike other administrator resources available that cover features and functionality of Windows Server and the Windows client operating system, this unique guide provides the tools that help you do more with less and make the most of your time. Based on a popular talk that author Dan Holme gives at conferences throughout the world, this book walks you through the process of selecting your tools, configuring your... 15. Windows Server® 2008 PKI and Certificate Security By: Brian Komar Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/04/06 Insert Date: 2008/07/22 Table of Contents Overview Get in-depth guidance for designing and implementing certificate-based security solutions straight from PKI expert Brian Komar. No need to buy or outsource costly PKI services when you can use the robust PKI and certificate-based security services already built into Windows Server 2008! This in-depth reference teaches you how to design and implement even the most demanding certificate-based security solutions for wireless networking, smart card authentication, VPNs, secure email, Web SSL, EFS, and code-signing applications using Windows Server PKI and certificate services. A principal PKI... 16. Windows® Server 2008 TCP/IP Protocols and Services By: Joseph Davies Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/01/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/22 Table of Contents Overview This in-depth technical reference delivers must-know information on TCP/IP for any IT professional working with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. This comprehensive guide starts with the fundamentals, delivering coverage of TCP/IP protocols layer by layer to help build mastery of protocols and their implementation. It focuses on Internet layer protocols such as IP, ICMP, IGMP, and includes a preview of IPv6; transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP; and application layer protocols such as DNS, DHCP, and WINS. Written by a leading TCP/IP author, plus peer reviews... 17. Internet Information Services 7.0 Resource Kit By: Mike Volodarsky; Olga Londer; Brett Hill; Bernard Cheah; Steve Schofield; Carlos Aguilar Mares; Kurt Meyer; Microsoft IIS Team Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/05 Insert Date: 2008/07/19 Table of Contents Overview Get the definitive reference for deploying, configuring, and supporting IIS 7.0 with insights from a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) and IIS experts at Microsoft. You get 800 pages of in-depth technical guidance on using IIS 7.0 to help enable users to easily host and manage Web sites, create Web-based business applications, and extend file, print, media, and communication services to the Web. This RESOURCE KIT covers IIS architecture, migrating servers and applications, capacity planning, performance monitoring and tuning, security, top administration and troubleshooting... 18. MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-642): Configuring Windows Server® 2008 Network Infrastructure By: J. C. Mackin; Tony Northrup Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/05/03 Insert Date: 2008/07/18 Table of Contents Overview Announcing an all-new Self-Paced Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on 70-642, the required exam for the new Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Server 2008 Networking Infrastructure Configuration certification. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified... 19. JavaScript: The Missing Manual By: David Sawyer McFarland Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2008/07/23 Insert Date: 2008/07/18 Table of Contents Overview JavaScript is essential for creating modern, interactive websites. But, unlike HTML and CSS, JavaScript is a true programming language with complex rules that are challenging for most web designers to learn. In JavaScript: The Missing Manual, bestselling author David McFarland teaches you how to use JavaScript in sophisticated ways -- even if you have little or no programming experience. In a clear, entertaining way, the book starts out by teaching you how to build a basic JavaScript program. Then, once you've mastered the structure and terminology, you'll learn how to use... 20. MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-632): Managing Projects with Microsoft® Office Project 2007 By: Joli Ballew; Deanna Reynolds; Bonnie Biafore Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/05/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/17 Table of Contents Overview Announcing an all-new Self-Paced Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on 70-632, the required exam for the new Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Managing Projects with Microsoft Office Project 2007 certification. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and... 21. Windows® Group Policy Resource Kit: Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Vista® By: Derek Melber - Group Policy MVP; Windows Group Policy Team Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/15 Insert Date: 2008/07/17 Table of Contents Overview Get the in-depth information you need to use Group Policy to administer Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista direct from a leading Group Policy MVP and the Microsoft Group Policy team. With Group Policy and Active Directory directory service, administrators can take advantage of policy-based management to streamline the administration of users and computers throughout the enterprise from servers running Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server, to workstations running Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional, or Windows 2000 Professional. This essential resource provides... 22. Working with Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM 4.0, Second Edition By: Jim Steger; Mike Snyder Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/16 Table of Contents Overview Get a practical introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM now updated for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a value-packed customer-relationship management (CRM) solution for small- and mid-market businesses. The latest version adds workflow management capabilities, and will be delivered as an on-demand service through Microsoft Office Live. With topics that include developing new functionality, designing implementations, and integrating Microsoft CRM with other business applications including Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office InfoPath, and Microsoft SharePoint... 23. Programming Windows® Services with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2008 By: Michael Gernaey Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/02/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/16 Table of Contents Overview Get the practical reference to developing Windows services with Visual Basic 2008. Addressing the leading trend of software as a service, this guide illustrates how developers with intermediate Visual Basic skills can design and implement Web services. It addresses a critical gap in the developer literature today, showing that services can be developed with Visual Basic 2008 and are not restricted to XML-based applications or Microsoft Visual C#. Software as a service is changing the dynamic between rich and thin clients. As device types multiply, users expect always-on connectivity to link... 24. MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-646): Windows Server® Administration By: Ian McLean; Orin Thomas Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/04/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/16 Table of Contents Overview Announcing an all-new Self-Paced Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on 70-646, a required exam for the new Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Windows Server 2008 Administrator certification. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features that exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and customizable testing... 25. Enhancing a Dreamweaver CS3 Web Site with Flash Video: Visual QuickProject Guide By: David Karlins Publisher: Peachpit Press Pub. Date: 2008/06/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/15 Table of Contents Overview If you want to add great-looking Flash video to your Web site fast but don't want to get bogged down in the details, Enhancing a Dreamweaver CS3 Web Site with Flash Video: Visual QuickProject Guide is just the book for you. The full- color projects in this book teach you all the techniques you need to enhance your Web site with Flash video. Explore the various video formats and players and discover why Flash Video is the best solution for delivering video content to your Web site visitors. Learn how to choose the right delivery method: progressive download, streaming, or embedded. See how to... 26. Windows Server® 2008 Networking and Network Access Protection (NAP) By: Joseph Davies; Tony Northrup; Microsoft Networking Team Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/01/19 Insert Date: 2008/07/15 Table of Contents Overview Get the official resource for deploying, administering, and troubleshooting Windows Server 2008 networking and Network Access Protection (NAP) technologies, direct from the experts who know the technologies best. This definitive resource from award-winning MicrosoftA® networking author Joseph Davies and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) author Tony Northrup also offers expert insights direct from the Windows Server Networking team at Microsoft. You get detailed information about all major networking and network security services, including the all-new Network Access Protection (NAP),... 27. MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-238): Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft® Exchange Server™ 2007 By: Nelson Ruest; Danielle Ruest Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/05/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/15 Table of Contents Overview Announcing an all-new Self-Paced Training Kit designed to help maximize your performance on 70-238, one of the required exams for the new Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Messaging Administrator certification. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help you assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and customizable... 28. Mastering WDSC V7.0 and WDSC V7.0 Advanced Edition for i5/OS V5R4 By: Yessong Johng; Wilfried Blankertz; Ahmed Mansour; Hania Abd-El-Razik; Jiayun Zhu Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/25 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview This IBM Redbooks publication discusses new features of WDSC V7.0, focusing on Remote System Explorer (RSE) and new ways of installing and managing the products. For features of the previous version, WDSC 5.1.2, refer to WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i Version 5.1.2, SG24-6961-01. Specific topics discussed in detail include: - Installing WDSC V7.0 using a new installation management tool of Installation Manager - Managing a WDSC V7.0 instance - Working with i5/OS-based development resources using the Remote System Explorer - Remote Systems LPEX Editor - The... 29. Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's Companion By: Steven D. Kaczmarek - Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager team Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/02 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Get the definitive guide for administering System Center Configuration Manager 2007 straight from an expert. This comprehensive reference delivers all the information you need to plan, design, deploy, and manage mission-critical software updates and help maximize your organization s productivity. This comprehensive administrator s reference drills into Configuration Manager 2007 features and capabilities for change and configuration management for WindowsA® based desktop and server systems, providing easy-to-follow procedures, practical workarounds, and key troubleshooting tactics for... 30. MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-647): Windows® Server Enterprise Administration By: Orin Thomas; John Policelli; Ian McLean; J. C. Mackin; Paul Mancuso; David R. Miller; GrandMasters Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/07/12 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Announcing an all-new SELF-PACED TRAINING KIT designed to help maximize your performance on 70-647, a required exam for the new MicrosoftA® Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Enterprise Administrator certification. This 2-in-1 kit includes the official Microsoft study guide, plus practice tests on CD to help assess your skills. It comes packed with the tools and features exam candidates want most including in-depth, self-paced training based on final exam content; rigorous, objective-by-objective review; exam tips from expert, exam-certified authors; and customizable testing options. It also... 31. Search Engine Optimization Bible By: Ledford, Jerri L. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Pub. Date: 2007/12/17 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview * This in-depth Bible delivers the holy grail of online marketing: how to influence search engine results to drive online shoppers to specific Web sites; the process is called search engine optimization (SEO) and it is a hot topic * One-stop resource offers readers what they need to plan and implement a successful SEO program, including useful tips on finding the shortest routes to success, strategy suggestions, and sidebars with more information and additional resources * Features interviews with executives from top search companies, plus appendices on creating successful listings with... 32. Microsoft® Windows Server 2008™ Security Resource Kit By: Jesper M. Johansson; Microsoft Security Team Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/10 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Get the definitive reference for planning and implementing security features in Windows Server 2008 with expert insights from Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) and the Windows Server Security Team at Microsoft. This official Microsoft RESOURCE KIT delivers the in-depth, technical information and tools you need to help protect your Windows® based clients, server roles, networks, and Internet services. Leading security experts explain how to plan and implement comprehensive security with special emphasis on new Windows security tools, security objects, security services,... 33. Mac OS® X Leopard™ For Dummies® By: LeVitus, Bob, Austin, Texas Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Pub. Date: 2007/10/31 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Mac OS X Leopard is the new cat in town, and wait until you see all the tricks it can do! Whether you're new to the Mac or a longtime Mac-thusiast, Mac OS X Leopard For Dummies is the fun and friendly way to have your Leopard purring in no time. While the Mac has built its reputation in part on being user-friendly, OS X Leopard has lots of features that do lots of things?and that's where Mac OS X Leopard For Dummies puts you a step ahead. If you're meeting your first Mac, start at the beginning and you'll feel like a pro in no time.  If you're familiar with earlier incarnations of OS X, you... 34. Windows® Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant, Second Edition By: William Stanek Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/06/14 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Now updated for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, this practical, pocket-sized reference delivers ready answers for using Windows command-line tools to manage multiple clients and servers. It s packed with hundreds of examples that show you how to run, use, schedule, and script Windows commands, support tools, and Resource Kit tools without touching the GUI. Written by a well-known author of more than two dozen computer books and featuring easy-to-read tables, lists, and step-by step instructions this POCKET CONSULTANT delivers fast, accurate information on the spot. Key Book... 35. Getting Started with IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric V6.1 By: Martin Keen; Naveen Balani; Anand Natraj Chandramohan; Amrish Chaubal; Devaprasad K Nadgir; Mahesh Sharma; Michael Steele; Andre Tost Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/26 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview WebSphere® Business Services Fabric (Fabric) is a comprehensive service-oriented architecture (SOA) offering that is designed to extend the IBM® business process management platform to deliver flexible composite business applications. In this IBM Redbooks® publication, we provide a complete overview of Fabric, from an architectural introduction, to an installation guide, and a step-by-step scenario that describes how to model, assemble, deploy, and manage composite business applications. Part 1 of this book is an architectural and technical introduction to Fabric and related... 36. Programming Microsoft® Robotics Studio By: Sara Morgan Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/03/15 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Get the practical reference to programming robotic applications by using the Microsoft Robotics Studio. Ideal for programmers familiar with Windows® based development using Microsoft Visual Studio® and the Microsoft .NET Framework, this guide expertly illustrates how to use the Robotics Studio. You ll discover how to use the services provided in the Robotics Studio to handle navigation and remote control, speech, video, and intelligent behavior in a robotic device. It includes coverage of the included Visual Programming Language, plus code examples in Microsoft Visual C#®. Key Book... 37. Introducing OmniFind Analytics Edition: Customizing Text Analytics By: Wei-Dong Zhu; Srinivas Chitiveli; Kameron Cole; Scott Harms; Ratheesh Muraleedharan Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/25 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview IBM® OmniFind™ Analytics Edition uses information in unstructured and structured content to improve decision making. It provides unstructured information analysis, which can improve customer service levels, create cross-sell capabilities and provide early problem detection. IBM® OmniFind™ Analytics gives business users the tools to gain valuable insights, facilitating better business decisions, by exploring and using key information assets in the enterprise. It also provides multiple ways to explore and analyze information; delivers sophisticated entity extraction capabilities... 38. Windows PowerShell™ Scripting Guide By: Ed Wilson Publisher: Microsoft Press Pub. Date: 2008/02/05 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Get practical guidance for using Windows PowerShell to manage Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Written by Ed Wilson, a leading scripting expert and trainer at Microsoft, this reference offers a task-based approach to help you find the information you need for day-to-day tasks. With more than 200 scripts, it offers rich examples that administrators can customize for their own environment and needs. The scripts range in complexity from one-line commands, to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments examples that are applicable to all skill levels. Includes a... 39. Backing up Microsoft SQL Server with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager By: Marcia Kubo; Carlos Eduardo Abramo Pinto Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/27 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview This IBM Redbooks publication describes how to plan, install, and implement backup and restore for Microsoft SQL Server using Tivoli Storage Manager products. The book is intended for Tivoli Storage Manager professionals who are responsible for the backup and restore of a Microsoft SQL Server installation using Tivoli Storage Manager. We discuss the planning, installation, and operation of Tivoli Storage Manager with Microsoft SQL Server. We also give an overview of the Tivoli Storage Manager family of products. We provide essential information regarding Microsoft SQL Server -... 40. FBML Essentials By: Jesse Stay Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2008/07/24 Insert Date: 2008/07/12 Table of Contents Overview Do you have an idea for a Facebook application? With FBML Essentials, you'll learn how to build it quickly using the Facebook Markup Language (FBML) and other easy-to-use tools in the site's framework. If you can develop a website with HTML, writing a Facebook application with the help of this book will be a breeze. Of course, Facebook is not just another website. Any applications you write for it will have a potential audience of 16 million dedicated users. It's not just another social networking site, either. Under the surface, Facebook is pretty sophisticated, with a development... 41. How to Cheat at Windows System Administration Using Command Line Scripts By: Pawan K. Bhardwaj Publisher: Syngress Pub. Date: 2006/09/01 Insert Date: 2008/07/11 Table of Contents Overview If you want to streamline the administration of your Windows servers and workstations by using command line scripts, this is the book for you! With every new version of Windows, Microsoft attempts to ease administrative tasks by adding more and more layers of graphical user interface (GUI) or configuration wizards (dialog boxes). While these "wizards" are interactive and make the administrator's job simpler, they are nowhere near as quick or efficient as a well-crafted command-line script or batch file. This next title in Syngress' best-selling "How to Cheat" series teaches system... 42. Learning the vi and Vim Editors By: Arnold Robbins; Linda Lamb; Elbert Hannah Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2008/07/15 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview There's nothing that hard-core Unix and Linux users are more fanatical about than their text editor. Editors are the subject of adoration and worship, or of scorn and ridicule, depending upon whether the topic of discussion is your editor or someone else's. vi has been the standard editor for close to 30 years. Popular on Unix and Linux, it has a growing following on Windows systems, too. Most experienced system administrators cite vi as their tool of choice. And since 1986, this book has been the guide for vi. However, Unix systems are not what they were 30 years ago, and neither is... 43. Take Your Best Shot By: Tim Grey Publisher: O'Reilly Pub. Date: 2008/07/23 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview For six years, digital photography expert Tim Grey has answered readers' questions on his website and daily mailing list, "DDQ (Digital Darkroom Questions)". Host of the annual Microsoft Pro Photo Summit, Grey knows his stuff -- and after answering hoards of questions from photographers, he knows the most persistent and burning issues. In his new book, Take Your Best Shot, Tim Grey answers the most-often asked questions about the digital darkroom and more in an easy-to-read format, organized by subject, and illustrated with beautiful photographs and instructive screenshots. The... 44. Discovering MySQL on IBM i5/OS By: Hernando Bedoya; Francisco Javier Dieguez; Bruno Digiovani; Erwin Earley; Shirley Pintos Publisher: IBM Pub. Date: 2008/03/06 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview The MySQL Database Server is the leading open-source database offering and is the most popular database to use with PHP applications. MySQL AB boasts 11 million installations of the MySQL database, which is used in both large and small organizations. While the MySQL Database Server can be used independently of PHP, a large number of implementations of the MySQL Database Server on the IBM® System i™ platform are likely to be directly associated with PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development. Typically, PHP is... 45. Optimizing Restore and Recovery Solutions with DB2 Recovery Expert for z/OS V2.1 By: Paolo Bruni; Tom Hubbard; Rajasekhar Jonnagadla; Ravikumar Kalyanasundaram; Hennie Mynhardt Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/22 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview IBM DB2 Recovery Expert manages the recovery of DB2 for z/OS V8 and V9 objects in a data sharing and non-data sharing environment. The major focus of IBM DB2 Recovery Expert V2.1 for z/OS (5697-N92) is on DB2 system level backup and restore. The tool provides the ability to create a consistent full system backup with no impact on DB2 availability, comprehensive backup and recovery reporting capabilities, and robust database and storage validity checking to ensure successful creation and usage of database system backups. By integrating with disk storage functions, it supports DB2... 46. IBM System z10 Enterprise Class Technical Introduction By: Bill White; Marian Gasparovic; Per Fremstad; Parwez Hamid; Fernando Nogal; Karl-Erik Stenfors Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/05/27 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview This IBM Redbooks publication introduces the IBM System z10 Enterprise Class server, which is based on z/Architecture. It builds on the inherent strengths of the System z platform, delivering new technologies and virtualization that are designed to offer improvements in price and performance for key workloads, as well as enabling a new range of hybrid solutions. The z10 EC further extends System z's leadership in key capabilities with the delivery of expanded scalability for growth and large-scale consolidation, availability to help reduce risk and improve flexibility to respond to... 47. Informix Dynamic Server 11: Extending Availability and Replication By: Chuck Ballard; Joseph Baric; Ajay Gupta; Holger Kirstein; Rajesh Naicken; Nilesh Ozarkar Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/24 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we provide an overview of the high availability and enterprise replication features of the Informix® Dynamic Server (IDS) Version 11, which can simplify and automate enterprise database deployment. Version 11 has patent-pending technology that virtually eliminates downtime and automates many of the tasks associated with deploying mission-critical enterprise systems. The high availability capability can reduce or eliminate costly downtime, for example, through online index rebuild and point-in-time table level restore. Enhanced enterprise... 48. Using Rational Performance Tester Version 7 By: David Chadwick; Chip Davis; Mark Dunn; Ernest Jessee; Andre Kofaldt; Kevin Mooney; Robert Nicolas; Ashish Patel; Jack Reinstrom; Kent Siefkes; Pat Silva; Susann Ulrich; Winnie Yeung Publisher: IBM Pub. Date: 2008/03/06 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview This IBM® Redbooks® publication is intended to show customers how Rational processes and products support and enable effective systems testing. The book describes how performance testing fits into the overall process of building enterprise information systems. We discuss the value of performance testing and its benefits in ensuring the availability, robustness, and responsiveness of your information systems that fill critical roles for your enterprise. Based on years of project experience, we describe the key requirements needed in performance testing tools and how the... 49. Up and Running with DB2 on Linux By: Whei-Jen Chen; Christian Hideaki Kondo; Helmut Riegler; Lifang LF Liu; Veiko Spranger Publisher: IBM Redbooks Pub. Date: 2008/06/25 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview Linux® is one of the fastest growing server operating platforms within the past few years. DB2® has long been known for its technology leadership. This IBM® Redbooks® publication is an informative guide that describes how to effectively integrate DB2 for Linux, UNIX®, and Windows® (LUW) with SUSE and Red Hat Linux operating systems. This book provides both introductory and detailed information about installing, configuring, managing, and monitoring DB2 in a Linux environment. We describe the DB2 product family and features for Linux, and we provide step-by-step instructions for... 50. PowerVM Virtualization on IBM System p: Introduction and Configuration Fourth Edition By: Scott Vetter; Christopher Hales; Chris Milsted; Oliver Stadler; Morten Vagmo Publisher: IBM Pub. Date: 2008/05/06 Insert Date: 2008/07/10 Table of Contents Overview This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides an introduction to PowerVM™ virtualization technologies on IBM System p™ servers. The Advanced POWER™ Virtualization features and partitioning and virtualization capabilities of IBM Systems based on the Power Architecture® have been renamed to PowerVM. PowerVM is a combination of hardware, firmware and software that provides CPU, network and disk virtualization. The main virtualization technologies are: POWER6™ and POWER5™ hardware POWER Hypervisor™ Virtual I/O Server Though the PowerVM brand includes partitioning, software Linux®... _M#]
2008-08-01 09:28
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한미일중+유럽 특허를 검색할 수 있는 WIPS의 검색엔진 업그래이드에 따라 검색연산자의 적용과 검색기준이 아래와 같이 변경되었으니 검색시 참고하시기 바랍니다. 1. 연산자 변경● 절단기호 ?1) 정의: 특정키워드 뒤 또는 중간에 ?라는 기호를 사용하여 ?사이즈에 해당되는 단어를 포함한 건을 검색하며, 단어뿐만 아니라 기술분류코드 또는 번호, 일자 표기 등에서도 사용 가능 합니다. (?=1바이트로 처리 됩니다.)2) 변경 내용: 한글 1글자=2바이트에서 3바이트로 변경 됩니다.(영어 및 숫자는 변동 없이 1바이트로 처리 됩니다.)기존 예) 자동????기기 검색 → 자동제어기기, 자동소화기기 등 검색 됨변경 예) 자동??????기기 검색 → 자동제어기기, 자동소화기기 등 검색 됨● ^ ^ 연산자1) 정의: 윕스에서 제공하는 공식 연산자가 아니며, 고객의 편의(키보드 한/영 변환의 불편함 해소 또는 타자수의 간소화)를 위해 키워드들을 연속된 ADJ 연산자로 변환 처리하여 서비스를 제공하고 있는 변환처리기호입니다.2) 변경 내용: ^ ^ 변환처리기호를 구문검색으로 오인하는 사례가 많아지고, 그로 인해 ^ ^ 기호 사이에 다른 연산자나 불용어를 넣는 등의 혼동을 연쇄적으로 유발하고 있습니다. 이에, 한시적으로만 서비스를 유지하며, 일정 기간 이후에는 ^ ^ 를 이용한 변환처리 서비스를 중단할 예정입니다.서비스 종료 예정일: 2008년 12월 31일잘못된 예) ^QUALITY OF SERVICE AND ENCRYPTION^ → 검색식 내용에 불용어(OF) 및 연산자(AND)가 포함되어 있음 2. 검색 기준 변경● 검색 기준의 변경 (색인 방법 변경)한글의 복합명사의 경우 adj 로 검색되지 않았던 부분이 검색 가능합니다.기존 예) ‘장착 adj 구조’ 검색 시, ‘장착구조’ 검색 불가변경 예) ‘장착 adj 구조’ 검색 시, ‘장착구조’ 검색 가능● 유럽언어의 기본적인 검색 지원réalisation, dépôt 등과 같은 유럽어 검색을 지원합니다.단, 영어와 같이 단어(형태소)로 인식되는 것이 아니라, 검색어 자체와 동일한 경우에 한해서만 검색(찾기 기능)이 가능합니다.● 한글+영어+숫자 의 복합단어 일 경우, 검색처리의 변경한글과 영어가 포함된 복합단어의 경우, 한글 영어 각각의 부분에 대하여 검색이 가능합니다.IMT2000 을 검색하려면,기존 예) IMT2000 으로만 검색 됨변경 예) IMT, 2000, IMT2000 으로 각각 검색 됨액정TV 을 검색하려면,기존 예) 액정TV 로만 검색 됨변경 예) 액정, TV, 액정TV 로 각각 검색 됨 3. 기타 변경 사항● 다운로드 기능의 환경개선으로 보다 나은 질의 서비스를 제공합니다.● 유니코드 변경에 따라 상세보기 등에서 다국어처리를 위해 별도의 프로그램을 설치하지 않으셔도 이용이 가능합니다. (예: 일본특허 상세보기를 위한 설치 프로그램)● 마이폴더 이용 시(폴더명 지정, 메모란 입력 시), 언어의 제한 없이 다국어 입력이 가능합니다.● 유럽문헌에서 제3국(DE, FR)의 언어를 다운로드 받을 시, 깨짐 현상 없이 정상적으로 표현됩니다. 출처 : WIPS 공지사항WIPS검색 연산자와 절단기호 및 검색범위 지정과 불용어에 관한 자세한 안내는 다음 페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
2008-07-31 16:53
Comment 2
해외전자저널 포털 사이트인 ScienceDirect에서는 과학에 공로가 큰 위대한 과학자를 추천받아서 투표를 통해 5명의 과학자를 선발한다고 합니다. 후보 추천은 오는 8월22일까지이고 추천자를 대상으로 9월에 최종 5명의 과학자를 공개투표로 결정한다고 합니다. 뽑힌 과학자들에게는 전문화가에게 의뢰해 본인의 초상화 작품과 국제적인 자리에서 자신의 과학적 공헌을 연설할 수 있는 기회가 주어진다고 합니다. (상금이 없는게 아쉽네요.) 중요한 건 여러분이 직접 좋아하는 과학자를 추천할 수 있다는 점입니다. 분야예술&인문생명과학&생의학자연과학사회과학공학&IT후보자 조건추천하는 사람은 다음 조건에 합당한 과학자라야 합니다.생존해 있을 것. (노벨상이란 비슷하죠.)학계에 종사하며 논문을 발표한 과학자 (과학자는 논문으로 말하죠.)자신의 연구에 엄격한 과학자 (연구부정이 없어야겠죠.)매우 독창적인 연구 성과를 낸 과학자 (남보다 튀어야겠죠.)사회적으로나 과학적으로 영향를 끼친 과학자 (포스가 있어야죠.)다른 이들에게 영감을 주는 과학자 (곁에만 있어도 도움이 된다는...)추천하러가기
2008-07-25 17:02
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대부 3부작과 지옥의 묵시록으로 유명한 코폴라 감독의 1960년대 데뷰작인 Dementia 13을 Internet Archive에서 보실 수 있습니다. 이외에도 고전 공포물을 포함한 다양한 영화를 실시간 또는 다운받아 볼 수 있습니다.RSS도 제공하니 고전 영화에 관심있는 분들은 등록해서 감상하시기 바랍니다.최신 추가 작품 - 최신 추가 SF/호러물 -
2008-07-24 13:47
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[Web Plus]자료 검색이나 웹사이트를 찾기 위해 Google Scholar나 Scirus는 종종 이용하시죠? Thomson Scientific에서도 WebPlus라는 "과학중심(?) 검색엔진"을 만들었습니다. 베타버전 출시된지는 꽤 되었는데 소개가 늦었네요. 일반 검색엔진을 이용할 경우, 너무나도 많은 검색 결과 속에서 허덕이게 되는 것이 일반적이지요; 그래서 점차 분야별로 전문화된 검색엔진이 등장하게 되는 것 같습니다. Thomson Scientific WebPlus는 잘 알고계신 Web of Science, Web of Knowledge의 컨텐츠를 구성하는 에디터들이 웹사이트 선정 등의 작업을 한다고 합니다.[검색방법]그렇다면, 검색/비교. 다음과 같이 Topic(키워드, 제목 검색) 등 5가지 방법으로 검색이 가능합니다. - Topic : 제목, 초록 등에 있는 일반적인 키워드 검색 방법.- Person or Author: 저자/인물 검색으로 이름, 성 순으로 입력합니다.------------------------------------------------------------------ Organism: 유기(미생물 포함) 검색으로, 일반명이나 학명 모두 검색 가능.- Drug: 일반 약물명이나 상품명 모두 검색 가능.  eg) Omalizumab로 검색해보세요- Gene: 유전자 명으로 검색  eg) Rpp1p로 검색해보세요[검색예제] Thomson에서 다른 검색엔진과 비교해 볼 것을 자신있게 추천하는 "Alzheimer's & music therapy"라는 키워드로 웹플러스에서 검색해 보도록 하겠습니다. 아래와 같이 총 162건의 검색결과를 얻었습니다. (* 참고로, G검색 엔진의 일반검색의 경우 약 300,000건, G검색엔진의 학술검색의 경우 약 5,390 건, S검색엔진의 경우 약 237,212건의 결과를 얻었습니다.) 검색 결과 수만 두고 검색엔진이냐 아니냐를 논할 수는 없겠지요;; 각자 자주 사용하시는 검색어로 여러 검색툴에서 비교검색 해보시고 판단하세요;; [정렬/필터링]기본적으로는 관련도(relevance)순으로 결과가 정렬이 되며 다음 세 가지로도 다시 정렬 또는 결과를 걸러낼 수 있습니다. - Subject: 위 그림처럼 해당 주제가 태그 구름으로 표시가 됩니다. - 사이트도메인(domain): .com, .gov, .edu, .org...와 같은 사이트의 특성으로 결과를 필터링할 수 있어요.- 문서형식(File format): pdf, doc, html...등 문서형식으로 결과를 걸러냅니다. [그 밖에..]- 전체 결과와 별도의 탭에 뉴스나 블로그 검색 결과도 제공 하고 있습니다. - 검색 결과를 메일로 보내거나 프린트 할 수 있습니다.- 위의 연두색 버튼(Suggest Sites)을 보시면 직접 사이트를 추천할 수 있습니다.[Web of Knowledge에서 들어가기]Web Of Knowledge(Science) 에서 검색하실 때, 검색화면 우측상단의 배너 한 번쯤 눈여겨 보셨죠? "Thomson Scientific Web Plus"로 바로가기하여 해당 검색어의 검색결과를 웹플러스에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
2008-07-24 09:00
Comment 1
데스크탑에서 Web of Science를 검색하세요! Web of Knowledge를 자주 찾으시는 분들은 야후 위젯(Yahoo! Widget)을 바탕화면에 달아두시고 수시로 검색하시면 조금 더 편리할 것 같습니다. 아래 순서에 따라 위젯을 설치하시면, Web Of Science의 다양한 검색방법 중 Topic(keyword) 검색을 지원하는 Search Box가 바탕화면에 생성됩니다. 1. 야후 위젯 설치 하기: http://widgets.yahoo.com/download/2. WOK 위젯 다운로드: http://isiwebofknowledge.com/wok/media/zip/webofscience-widget.zip특정 TOPIC을 입력한 후, Search 버튼을 누르면 결과 화면 웹페이지가 자동으로 열립니다. 상세한 검색은 어렵지만 Web Of Science를 자주 이용하시는 분들은 즐겨찾기 기능처럼 활용하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
2008-07-23 09:00
Comment 0
수학은 모든 과학의 기초가 되는 오래된 학문입니다. 일찍이 수학자 가우스는 "수학은 과학의 여왕이다"라고 했다고 하죠. 가문에게 족보가 있듯이 수학분야에도 족보를 통해서 학문적 계보를 살펴볼 수 있는 프로젝트가 있어 소개합니다. North Dakota 주립대학교와 미국수학회에서 진행중인 Mathematics Genealogy Project는 클레이수학재단의 일부 후원을 받아 계속 데이터를 수집하고 있습니다. 1997년부터 현재까지 데이터를 수집해 12만 4천여명의 수학자 데이터가 수집되어있네요. 수학분야 박사학위자의 지도교수를 찾아 계속 위로 올라가면서 당대의 수학자들을 만나볼 수 있습니다. 상세검색에서 학위수여학교(Name of School)를 포스텍(Pohang University of Science and Technology)으로 해서 찾아보면 21명의 포스텍 출신 수학분야 박사가 검색되어 나옵니다. 등록된 박사중에서 가장 최근 박사학위를 받은 Choi, Dohoon(2006)이란 분의 지도교수를 거슬러 찾아올라가볼까요. 과연 어느 시대까지 올라갈 수 있을까요 ? 이름 (박사학위수여대학, 학위년도)Choi, Dohoon (Ph.D. Pohang University of Science and Technology 2006)Young-Ju Choie (Ph.D. Temple University 1986) --> 포스텍 수학과 교수님이죠 *^^*Marvin Isadore Knopp (Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1958)Paul Trevier Bateman (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania 1947)Hans Rademacher (Dr. phil. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1916)Constantin Carathéodory (Ph.D. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1904)Hermann Minkowski (Dr. phil. Universität Königsberg 1885)C. L. Ferdinand (Carl Louis) Lindemann (Ph.D. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1873)C. Felix (Christian) Klein (Ph.D. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1868)여기서 2분의 지도교수로 갈라집니다. 일단 1분만 쫓아가보겠습니다.Julius Plücker (Ph.D. Philipps-Universität Marburg 1823)Christian Ludwig Gerling (Dr. phil. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1812)Carl Friedrich Gauß (Ph.D. Universität Helmstedt 1799) --> "수학의 왕자"라는 가우스네요.Johann Friedrich Pfaff (Dr. phil. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1786)Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1739)Christian August Hausen (Dr. phil. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 1713)Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1685)Otto Mencke (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1665, 1666)17대를 이어 340년 정도를 거슬러 올라가네요. 문헌조사나 자료 고증이 더욱 충실해지면 그 이상도 올라갈 수 있지 않을까요. Dohoon, Choi 박사는 족보로 치면 Otto Mencke 수학파의 17대손이라고 부를 수도 있겠네요.이 기능은 수학분야 DB인 MathSciNet의 저자검색과도 연동이 됩니다. 가르침과 배움이 대를 이어 내려오면서 쌓인 인간의 수학적 공헌이 우리의 과학 문화를 이만큼 이루어냈다는 사실을 계보를 통해서 다시금 실감하게됩니다.
2008-07-22 11:45
Comment 4
관보란?관보는 국민에게 정부의 소식을 알려주는 소식지라고 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다. 고시, 법령, 헌법개정 등의 내용을 포괄하고 있습니다. 국민에게 주지시켜야할 내용을 담는 의사전달 수단이자, 역사적 기록으로 볼 수 있지요. 일본에서는 官報, 영국에서는 Official gazette, 미국에서는 Federal Register, 독일에서는 Bundesgesetzblatte라고 한다네요. 시대별 관보 열람 방법(사이트 소개) 신문이나 뉴스에서 '장관 고시', '관보 게재'라는 말을 들어보신 적이 있겠지요? 그렇다면 관보는 어디에서 확인할 수 있는지 시대별 관보 열람 방법을 소개합니다. ○ 현재-2000.10 : 대한민국 전자관보○ 2000.9 -1948  : 국가기록원○ 1945 -1894.6  : 국립중앙도서관1. 대한민국 전자관보○ URL: http://gwanbo.korea.go.kr/main.jsp○ 수록년도: 현재- 2000.10○ 원문이용 가능2. 국가기록원○ URL : http://contents.archives.go.kr/next/gazette/viewMain.do○ 수록년도: 1948-2000○ 자체뷰어 설치 후 원문이용 가능3. 국립중앙도서관 전자도서관○ URL: http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/WONMUN/index_codetree.jsp?v_dbid=NCL_DB_9○ 수록년도: 1894 - 1945 (구한국관보, 조선총독부관보)○ 자체뷰어설치후 원문이용가능4. 조선총독부관보○ URL: http://gb.nl.go.kr/○ 수록년도: 1910-1945(중간에 일부 수록년도 빠져있음 2009년까지 원문구축 예정)○ 국립중앙도서관 연계서비스(자체뷰어 실행 후 원문열람 가능)5. 구한국관보○ URL: http://library.scourt.go.kr (법원도서관 > 귀중본 고서 전자책 > 구한국관보)○ 수록년도: 1894년 6월 - 1910년 8월○ 원문열람 가능
2008-07-22 09:00
Comment 0


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