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교수님, 앞으로 저희 학교 식수는 갓떠올린 싱싱한 포항 바닷물이 되는건 아니겠죠 ? ㅎㅎ
저널 정보 : Nature Nanotechnology
이번에 논문이 실린 저널은 네이처의 자매지인 Nature Nanotechnology구요. 영향력지수(IF)가 20이 넘네요. 2006년 부터 발행하는 저널로 월단위로 발행되고 있습니다. 이번 논문은 AOP(Advance Online Publication)라고 인쇄본이 나오기 전에 미리 온라인으로 출판되었습니다. 덕분에 관련 분야의 연구가 더 빨리 진행되는 장점이 있습니다. 물론 연구자들은 분초를 다투는 피말리는 물밑 경쟁을 하겠죠.
해당 저널은 현재 도서관에서 구독중입니다.
논문 정보
Nature Nanotechnology
online: 21 March 2010 | doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.34
Direct seawater desalination by ion concentration polarizationSung Jae Kim1,
Sung Hee Ko2,
Kwan Hyoung Kang2
Jongyoon Han1,3
AbstractA shortage
of fresh water is one of the acute challenges facing the world today.
An energy-efficient approach to converting sea water into fresh water
could be of substantial benefit, but current desalination methods
require high power consumption and operating costs or large-scale
infrastructures, which make them difficult to implement in
resource-limited settings or in disaster scenarios. Here, we report a
process for converting sea water (salinity ~500 mM or ~30,000 mg l−1)
to fresh water (salinity <10 mM or <600 mg l−1) in
which a continuous stream of sea water is divided into desalted and
concentrated streams by ion concentration polarization, a phenomenon
that occurs when an ion current is passed through ion-selective
membranes. During operation, both salts and larger particles (cells,
viruses and microorganisms) are pushed away from the membrane (a
nanochannel or nanoporous membrane), which significantly reduces the
possibility of membrane fouling and salt accumulation, thus avoiding two
problems that plague other membrane filtration methods. To implement
this approach, a simple microfluidic device was fabricated and shown to
be capable of continuous desalination of sea water (~99%
salt rejection at 50% recovery rate) at a power
consumption of less than 3.5 Wh l−1, which is comparable to
current state-of-the-art systems. Rather than competing with larger
desalination plants, the method could be used to make small- or
medium-scale systems, with the possibility of battery-powered operation.
MBC 보도 : http://imnews.imbc.com/replay/nwtoday/article/2591427_5782.html
관련글 : 2007/02/21 - [정보] 최희철 교수팀, 탄소나노튜브와 고체 표면간 화학반응 발견
2010-03-22 21:44